Maze of Blush Gold Worlds with Secret Passages, Acrylic and flashe on canvas, 84 x 60 inches, 2021
Metallic Gold Time Stages of Pink Salmon Flowing System, Acrylic and flashe on canvas 84 x 60 inches, 2021
Standing Between Two Worlds
Nine paintings of varying sizes occupy the gallery space, schematic compositions of interlaced architectural plans intersect with bright acrylic planes of color, almost buzzing in their intensity. Other forms are delicately washed upon the painting's surface, revealing the web of geometric lines underneath. These translucent shapes almost float right off of the panel, bringing these works into physical space. Never fully symmetrical, the forms in Tegeder’s paintings reveal subtly the artist's hand and reckoning of architectural space that results in compositions that almost move into three-dimensionality, further inviting the viewer into the artist's world.
Maze of Blush Gold Worlds with Secret Passages installed with wall drawing, Acrylic and flashe on canvas, 84 x 60 inches, 2021
Glowing Harvest Diagram, Acrylic and flashe on canvas 40 x 30 inches, 2021
Metallic Gold Time Stages of Pink Salmon Flowing System installed with wall drawing, Acrylic and flashe on canvas 84 x 60 inches, 2021
“ Blueprints in their essence represent a promise, a not fully actualized reality; they are future-gazing documents of urban progress. Tegeder’s work mines tenderly these two “worlds”, with one foot rooted in the rigid geometric compositions, framing devices that function as both form and plan, the other foot is solidly planted in the promises of the future, and inquires whether architecture can inhabit and inspire a sort of utopia. “
-Press release, Octavia Gallery
Nocturnal System of Winteride, Acrylic and flashe on canvas, 84 x 60 inches, 2021
Tegeder's interest in the systems and forms of architectural drawings originated in her upbringing. Her father, a steamfitter, would take her along on jobs; she learned both about architectural form and the bodies that construct it into our known lived environments. This seminal childhood and later interests of the abstract lineages such as the Bauhaus and Russian Constructivists culminates into her work, colorful cosmologies of her imaginings.
Nocturnal System of Winteride installed with wall drawing, Acrylic and flashe on canvas, 84 x 60 inches, 2021
Citrine Mirror Constellation with Unseen Other Worlds, Acrylic and flashe on canvas, 60 x 48 inches, 2021
Light Emerald System with Circle Worlds, Acrylic and flashe on canvas, 60 x 48 inches, 2021
Instructions in Fog with Pink Stations of Grounding, Acrylic and flashe on canvas, 60 x 48 inches, 2021
Order of the Mint Green Stillness, Acrylic and flashe on canvas, 40 x 30 inches, 2021
Standing Between Two Worlds exhibition at Octavia Gallery, New Orleans, LA 2021